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Tow Companies Towing Cost
Ever wonder how tow companies arrived at a tow price for your request. Consumer affairs gave us a $125.00 hook up fee plus mileage additional (This is recognized as rates upon request). These fees depend on size of auto, weather conditions, week days or holidays, time of the day and problem of the auto being towed. Some vehicles are more complicated then others to connect and motor cycles takes the longest in securing with straps. So, yes prices will always vary also do to what type of tow truck you request like SLING, WHEEL LIFT OR FLATBED. Remember that the cheapest price is not always the best route. The tow company should be Licensed, Insured, Certified, Medallion and the truck should be in a decent mechanical condition to provide a safe tow. The driver should also have a proper level of expierence for some vehicles are classics or fragile. Don't be afraid to ask questions to the driver because an experience driver will never have any questions answering your questions. beware of new drivers and companies with no face or reviews. At Louie Towing reputation follows him like a shadow.
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